Shackelford Beach

Shackelford Beach
Serene Shackelford

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Morbid Meeting with a Witch

Morbid Meeting a Witch
Deut. 18:9-12
By Jan Parys

I didn't want to be there in that dark, old, musty house in 1973 in Virginia with gorgeous Ellen clutching my arm like a mad woman.
"I need you in my coven. You'll be powerful because you can read the crystal ball. I can't read the ball. I stole it from my ex-husband. We had a power struggle in the Church of Satan and I lost. But I stole the ball when I left," she said like spears piercing me with her green eyes flaring and her wine breath spewing all over me.
"Give me your phone number," she demanded. "I'll make you second in command. You'll be powerful."
I said a quick prayer to God Whom I did not believe in then but hoped existed, and told her a wrong number. She quickly wrote it down and freed my arm. I rubbed it as I rushed to my car and shook myself hoping to get rid of that last morbid scene in my life.
The invitation to attend a paranormal lecture had fascinated me so I accepted another college student's invitation. One of my professors had said she believed that one day books would be obsolete since we'd all communicate by ESP in the future. "Our minds are barely used," she said. Looking around the room I had to agree.
This lecture was rather mundane and the answers to the questions were so vague that the evening seemed to be a waste. The lovely, ebony haired hostess, Ellen, approached and asked, "How would you like a home tour?"
Ellen seemed to enjoy the dark and only turned a lamp on in each room as we entered. She had a stack of boxes in her kitchen and office explaining, "I've only lived here a few months and with my job and kids have little time to unpack."

In her bedroom she lit an incense stick upon entering the black and dark red retreat with a black velvet bedspread and canopy and a pedestal covered with black velvet material.

"Look at this!" she said as she revealed the crystal ball underneath.
I inspected the ball carefully and gazing into it saw a dance scene. The scene was in the woods around a campfire. Startled I asked, "How did you do that?"
"Do what?" Ellen asked.

After I told her, she became completely fixated on me. When I heard "Church of Satan," that phrase caused a churning in my stomach.

After giving her my phony number I said, "I have to get home to my husband and baby. We have work tomorrow in Maryland."

She repeated the number and walked me to the door continuing with "We will be so powerful. We will rule the DC area."

Now that I am saved I know why Ellen scared me and I hate Halloween because it is the witches' official holiday and I now know witches are an abomination to the Lord as He tells us in Deuteronomy18:9-12. v.10 “Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his or her son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, encourages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord, and because of these detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you.”

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Defend our Faith

Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you.
II Chron. 20:17
This is a verse I must remember and follow as I am concerned about writing devotions and sharing with homeschoolers about how to defend our faith. I know most of them truly believe but it is a matter of fighting the lies of the liberals and the powers of darkness. Now we need to pray for His help and show the lies as lies. A lie repeated often enough will be believed. One of the biggest lies is evolution.
We can promote the truth that evolution is a theory and that there is no link. The missing link doesn't exist and it will no link between man and ape because it doesn't exist.
None of the so-called missing links like Peking Man and Neanderthal Man.
Neanderthal Man is " the name comes from the Neander Valley near Dusseldorf, Germany. It was here in 1856 that the first skeleton of Neathderthal Man was discovered. Since then there have been many Neanderthal graves found in Europe and the Middle East... During the late nineteenth century, with Darwin's theory shaking the scientific world, these early 'ape-men' were 'proof' that human evolution was a fact" Unlocking the Mysteries Of Creation Vol. 1, pp. 121,122-- Dennis R. Peterson, B.S. M.A.