Shackelford Beach
Serene Shackelford
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Trying to sell Lightning Strikes, Adventures with the Golden Gelding
Lightning Strikes, Adventures with the Golden Gelding will delight those who are interested in nature and adventure. With over thirty-six million people under eighteen, there are many possible buyers. Lightning Strikes can be the first in a series of horse adventures or a single novel.
War Horse the movie shows the appeal of horses continues as Black Stallion and Seabiscuit did.
A Palomino gelding tries to kill teenager Tina Richards, but she still loves him, changes him and she becomes a new creation. Their adventures will entice readers to ride along with Tina and Lightning.
My twelve years of teaching experience plus homeschooling, tutoring etc. have given me insight to students’ likes and dislikes. Tina’s adventures were mine as a teenager but could be those of any teenager. You can read about my years of experience on my qualifications sheet including my first three chapters in the magazine, Harpstring their summer issue.
If you are interested in the series, I have an open ending with the last sentence saying “So her (Tina’s) plethora of adventures with Lightning would continue for several months.”
Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Thank you for reading this.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Politically Incorrect?
The LA Times started the "politically correct" movement in the 1980's. When I first heard of their plan while living about 50 miles east of it, I thot they were crazy and no one would follow them. Nearly the entire liberal or lamestream media has done so. Now they say no stereotypes and no generalizations, but that is all they do. Only white men are the bad guys in the PC world.
The truth is irrelevant. Most Southerners are fair play for their insults and degradations. I believed most of the garbage about the "slave owning" "uneducated" to my regret. I want to eat those thots and declare not even everyone on one street is alike let alone in one town, one state or one section.
Reading the book Under God I am learning more and more. Also an "African-American" NC professor named John Hope Franklin's book regarding the "benevolence" of the freedmen. He points to the many emancipation efforts of freemen for their race. Not all of the efforts were successful, but John Carruthers Stanly of New Bern is highly praised by Franklin. So if a freedman who owns slaves is considered highly then so should white men who helped with freeing slaves. This includes Republican President Abraham Lincoln.
Men like George Washington are attacked today for being a slave owner, but he was the most beloved general and president of his day and for decades until around 1990 when he was not PC. He still won our freedom for us and started the government which was truly for the people.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Slave Owners Could be Christians
Studying the Bible book Philemon we discovered that this Christian owned slaves since Paul wrote him about his runaway slave Onesimus. It is a miracle that anyone is saved. However, the chance of Onesimus meeting Paul and being saved in Rome is truly a huge miracle and not just a coincidence. Philemon had church in his home and might have been led to the Lord by Paul. Paul indicated in the book that "I might..command you."
The Jewish people had slaves starting with the Father of Judaism, Abraham. His first child, a male, Ishmael, was by Hagar a slave. The Bible repeatedly refers to the treatment of slaves.
The slave owners in our nation were not all evil. However, some were evil and even slayed their slaves when the overseers or owners were displeased. Many slave owners were kind and even helped their slaves. In New Bern, NC, Lydia Carruthers Stewart taught John Carruthers Stanly to read, write and have godly values. John became very successful with his owner's help.
There was a saying, "Don't ever generalize," which is a generalization in itself. However, the politically correct crowd does generalize repeatedly including putting all slave owners into an evil slot. Not a single slave owner is given any credit for doing any good. Even Frederick Douglass was taught to read and write by his owner in Maryland.
Our Founding Fathers were wonderful and intelligent and yet many like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson owned slaves.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
WriteHisAnswer Conference
Philly was cooler a couple of days. I went to a writers' conference. Met with my editor of Harpstring Magazine. My story,"Saved From An Angry Horse," was sold out because my editor laid them out and I promoted it of course.
Praise God that I got 2 more editors interested in my stories. One is an African American professor who is interested in my "Slave to Slave Master" about the richest man in the South with over 160 slaves and 30 homes and 3 plantations.
The other editor is interested in my horse story, "A Golden Gelding, Lightning."
Did you know that 25% of Blacks in Charleston, SC were free and some owned slaves? In New Bern 10% of the "coloreds" were free and some owned slaves before Nat Turner rebelled.
Just like John Wilkes Booth hurt the South, Nat Turner hurt slaves.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Election Day Primary
Elections are winding up here in NC and there seems to be a lot of common sense going out the window. For thousands of years there has been traditional marriages and now people are saying we will not health insurance if gay marriage isn't approved. So how does that happen? It doesn't. So many lies from too many people even one NC "Republican" senate is lying about a conservative Christian candidate. One commercial says that the Christian wanted the military to pay more on their loans and that was used against Jean Preston by the Democrats and now the same accusations with the same video footage but now by the "Republican" who gave 10 times to Dems as to what he gave to GOP
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Writing for Christians, not liberals
Hope all is well. I am OK. Frustrated that our mom's memorial has been postponed twice and still no definite date. My sister Carol donated our mom's body to science so she got free cremation etc. Carol just got the death certificate this past Sat. and we won't get Mom's ashes until June. A big backup in bodies. Creepy.
I was in 4 critique groups and dropped one last Friday as those liberals drove me crazy. Always talking about hateful Christians and lying Republicans etc. They were upset at prayer in county and city meetings. "Don't they know there is separation of church & state in the Constitution." I asked the teacher to show it to me and she said, "I know it's there." She is a Berkley grad and typical socialist and hatemonger. She said she watched Glenn Beck "all the time" and he's been off the air since August. It is incredible how liberals claim our minds are closed and theirs really are.
I have been writing and rewriting what I have done in the past as each group had suggestions. The liberals know how to please liberals.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Nancy I. Sanders Interviewed Jan
Meet Author Jan Parys!
E-mail: janparys@yahoo.com
Website: Forthcoming.
Blog: janparys.blogspot.com
Jan Parys is a freelance writer whose articles have appeared in the local Pines Perspective since 2005. She also was published in Children’s Book Insider in the April issue telling about Clubhouse editor, Jesse Florea and July issue of Children’s Writer. A former teacher, she saw and still sees a need for interesting and wholesome children’s stories. She lives in New Bern, North Carolina, with her husband and cat, Princess Precious. Princess thinks she is a queen, but she is just a princess; Jan is the queen in her home.
Q: What inspires you most as a writer?
A: To share the truth about life, creation and the Lord. Since I taught in the public schools and shared the “facts” in the books I was given, I was also brainwashed and want to tell the truth now. For example, I was a real environmentalist and thought the earth was in danger and scared my students, too, teaching them what I was taught. Back then I had to read Rachel Carson’s book, Silent Spring, and believed Greenpeace and such. Since being saved in 1980, I know more of the truth, like the Creator and His mercy for me and our planet. While I was teaching at Sherman Indian High School in Riverside, CA, in 1980, an Indian aide led me to the Lord.
Q: What books influenced you most of all when you were growing up?
A: Hittie’s One Hundred Years, the encyclopedia (I loved the facts, really) and we didn’t own much more.
Q: Describe one highlight of your writing journey.
A: Meeting some lovely Christians who are so helpful.
Q: Share one tip you would like to give to someone who is a brand new writer.
A: Keep learning. Go to conferences and fellowship with anyone willing to do so. (When two or more are gathered in His name, is so true. Pray immediately on the spot when someone asks you to do so.)
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